Ultrasonic Liposuction

What is Ultrasonic Cavitation?

One of the latest developments in the treatment of cellulite is Ultrasonic Cavitation.
Extremely effective, it can reduce cellulite and fat on the body. Ultrasonic cavitation is a minimally invasive alternative to tumescent liposuction that uses ultrasonic waves to turn fat cells into free fatty acids, which are easier for the body to get rid of the midsection, upper arms, thighs, hips, and chin area can be targeted with these low-frequency ultrasound waves, which penetrate the skin and create bubbles around fat deposits. The bubbles then burst, causing the body to get rid of them naturally through the urinary tract and lymphatic system.
Proponents of ultrasonic cavitation say that the technology tones and tightens skin, without causing any pain or significant downtime. The machine essentially fragments body tissue with low fiber content, while leaving the tissue structures around it intact. This is why it is also used in conjunction with certain cancer treatments and surgeries, especially those involving the pancreas or liver.
This technique is effective at removing fat and reducing cellulite. It has also been used to tighten the skin and improve body physique. Since it was created, it has been used by dermatologists and med spas across the world.

In keeping with the increase in demand for non-surgical alternatives to liposuction, a slew of new body sculpting options are now being offered to American consumers. These treatments use machines that deliver bursts of cold air, radiofrequency energy, and even laser beams to rid the body of cellulite, stretch marks, and stubborn fat deposits.
Ultrasonic cavitation — also known as ultrasound cavitation, cavi-lipo, or ultra cavitation — is one of the latest body contouring options to hit the market.


Not a weight loss treatment:

Ultrasonic cavitation is a circumferential reduction procedure. This means that you won’t be able to measure your success by how much fatty tissue you’ve lost, but instead by how many inches you’ve shrunk in your treatment area. In other words, it won’t provide the same fat removal power as liposuction, but it might help you slim down those love handles or upper arms.
Generally speaking, circumferential reduction is enough for people who just want to smooth, tighten, and tone a specific body area.


Is it Safe?

Ultrasound cavitation is extremely safe. During treatment, the process is comfortable and completely painless. Once the fat is released, some patients have noticed that they feel warmer or unwell temporarily. This is due to the release of thermal energy and detoxification of the body. Even though cavitation is extremely effective, women should still eat a high fiber, healthy diet. Drinking water will help the liver to metabolize fat and ensure that the procedure is successful. In addition, diet and exercise will help ensure that the procedure is not needed again.

What to expect from your Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment?

For best results, most patients require between 10 and 12 treatments in-office treatments, but many see up to one to 2 inches (5 cm) of circumference reduction after only five treatments. Each treatment session lasts for around 30 minutes.
To get the most out of your treatments, recommend drinking water, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly in-between sessions. In fact, it’s important that patients drink at least 3 pints (1.5 L) of water before and after ultrasonic cavitation treatments in order to help the body expel the fatty acids.
You will probably be instructed to follow a low-calorie, low-carb diet for at least a day before the procedure, which will help you better burn fatty acid during the treatment and just after.
For many patients, a solution that offers long-term results is worth the extra money and time. Doctors Ultrasonic liposuction say that the fat cells treated with low-frequency sound waves won’t return, so they do provide a permanent effect. Still, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to keep the fat off.
Anyone with a pacemaker, a cardiac or vascular disease, or another serious condition may not be eligible from this treatment. Due to the potential for metabolic harm in the cavitation process, people with diabetes should avoid ultrasonic cavitation.

Are there any Ultrasonic Cavitation Side Effects?

Although side effects are rare, the most common symptoms are swelling or redness in the treated area. These side effects normally go away within a couple of days or weeks.
Some people may notice more urine after treatment due to the release of toxins and waste by the body. In addition, individuals may have drier skin following their treatment.
This may last for a few days and can be reduced using lotions that contain aloe vera.
In general, most people can resume their normal life as soon as the treatment is complete. If there are symptoms, individuals should always discuss their concerns with a doctor or qualified medical professional.

Is Ultrasonic Cavitation Effective?

Studies have shown that ultrasound cavitation is extremely effective at reducing cellulite. It can be used to remove fat and provide body shaping.
Once the fat is removed, the skin starts to snap back to its original form. Ultrasound has been used to treat tissue injuries like tendonitis, muscle sprains, and bursitis.
It has also been shown to help with conditions like pain, motion problems, spasms, and inflammation.

How Does it Work?

Using an ultrasonic machine, the clinician will make strokes and circles on the part of the body affected by cellulite. Often, an anti-inflammatory gel or cream will also be used.
The machine uses high-frequency sound waves to target the cellulite and vibrate tissues. This penetrates deeply within the tissues and draws blood toward the area. Immediately, the tissue begins to recover and release fat. In general, this process takes only a few minutes and is completely painless. For a complementary procedure, women can always try out slim plastering. This alternative treatment is used to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce cellulite or stretch marks.

Contraindications and Frequency

Typically, individuals need six to ten treatments to achieve the best results.
Between each ultrasound cavitation treatment, the individual must wait three days so that the body has time to eliminate fats. The number of sessions required depends on the treatment area and the individual’s body type. Normally, a clinician and patient will have a consultation first to determine how many treatments are necessary. Before using any treatment, individuals have to provide their doctor or clinician with a full medical history.

CAUTION WARNING: Pregnant women and epileptics should avoid using ultrasound cavitation. In addition, people with an infection, cancer, pacemaker or diabetes should not use this treatment. Individuals on blood-thinning medication or who have a metal implant in the treatment area should not use ultrasound cavitation.
For Each Ultrasonic Liposuction Treatment with Full Body Vibration: $150 (30 Min)